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Monteverde Cloud Forest- This forest contains six unique ecological zones! Great for hiking and spectacular sights of clouds stuck within the jungle trees.

Main Attractions

Dominical Beach- One of the most untouched beaches in the country that has amazing surfing opportunities, and fun local eateries.

Arenal Volcano National Park- The park features an active volcano, natural hot springs, and a lake that is known for frequent winds, making it great for water sports!

Costa Rica has two lush coastlines divided by mountains, with over 100 volcanos, some of which are still active!


Though this small country only covers 0.03% of the Earth's surface area, it has almost 6% of the world's biodiversity. This includes flora, fauna, and ecosystems of all sorts, and forests cover over 50% of Costa Rica's surface area.


As Costa Rica's top grossing industry, tourism in threatened natural environments reaps over 1 billion USD every year! Ecotourism attractions range from beaches, marine life, and waterfalls, to volcanoes, rainforests, and hot springs.


Environmental Protection:

Costa Rica is a world leader in environmental conservation. National parks and reserves account for over 25% of Costa Rica's land mass. Additionally, 90% of electricity produced in Costa Rica is environmentally friendly, coming from hydroelectric dams, wind energy, or thermal energy from volcanoes.

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